Monday 2 September, 2002
1 Corinthians 7:7b KJV - Who Am I
There will always be others I can compare myself to - people who look better and do better than I do. But if I waste my life living on the things I don't have, I'll never really appreciate what I DO have. I'm the only person in the world exactly like me. No-one else has my particular talents or goals. I'm the only me... and you're the only you. Each of us is one of a kind, and we're the best you and me there is.
What are your best talents or qualities? How can you make the most of them?
All the world's a stage, and you've got the best part: you.
Lord, help me to be the best me that I can be, but to love myself like You do - just the way I am. Click here if you have any ideas or contributions for devotionals. Weekly Torturous Trivia Try your hand at this assorted trivia quiz and e-mail me with your answers.
#1. What is the top-selling daily newspaper?
#2. What was the first national newspaper published in the UK?
#3. What is the top-selling newspaper in English?
Here are the answers to last week's art questions:
#1. What is the most expensive painting ever sold at an auction? [Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853-90) Christie's, New York, 15 May 1990, sold for $75 million or £44,378,696.]
#2. What is the artist with the most works of art sold for more than one million pounds? [Pablo Picasso, 160.]
#3. What is the most expensive painting ever sold in the UK? [Sunflowers, Vincent van Gogh, Christie's, London, 30 March 1987, £22,500,000.]
Click here to answer the trivia questions. I will post your name on the board if you have the answers correct! And now, the first of the serialised stories. Every Friday a new paragraph will be added to the stories. TERRIER TRAILS
After a very long time, Casey unfolded herself. She felt that she was out in the open air again. She realised that she was...
"Hey Newton, do you know what this vehicle is?"
"I don't know," Newton replied truthfully. "Maybe it's taking us on a luxury trip to our plane!"
Casey giggled. "If this is luxury," she said as they bumped along the ground, "I'd hate to be Economy Class!"
"Well," said Pearson, "I don't think we're going any class - I think that that" - here he pointed his muzzle at the belly of the plane - "is where we're going to go. With the cargo. I suddenly feel demoted." He winked.
Suddenly a black-and-white blur raced up beside them. Casey leapt away from her portcullis in a fright. The blur slowed to a trot, and suddenly seemed to change into a border collie. The collie managed to keep a steady pace next to the dogs, so Newton attempted to strike up a conversation with it.
"Hello! What are you doing out there? Shouldn't you be in one of these boxes like us?"
The collie shook his head. "No. I'm Mick, one of the border collies assigned to chase birds off the runway. You see," he explained, "those planes are susceptible to having birds caught in their engines. If that happens, the plane could crash. Look over there - that man with the shiny thing in his hand - some 'flare,' as they call it, comes out of that thing and whooshes over the birds. That scares the birds in the air away. Us border collies are then called in to chase the birds that stayed on the ground off the runway, leaving a clear path for the plane." He smiled. "It's a pretty important job. We dont want those birds to get hurt now, do we? I think I see one or two in the path of a plane right now. I need to go. Great to meet you. Bye!" Newton and Pearson scarcely managed to return the good-bye before the collie turned into a blur again.
Casey unrolled herself and looked over to the dogs. "Who was that?"
"A dog whose job is to protect David and his family," Pearson smiled.
Copyright Oscar Hyde, 2001. Watch out for the next installment of your "morning serial!" Click here to request the archives of the story. |  |