A question I put for you to think; Which tales were great? Which stories stink? Your input we do greatly need, It keeps us at the proper speed. Please e-mail us and let us know Which stories stay, which stories go. We listen and pay heed to you For we know you'll be kind and true So drop a line or two and say Which stories you thought were okay. We love the input from your selves 'Cause we learn what to stock on shelves.
Or you can reach us at our mailing address: LIGHTNING LIBRARY Brad Zockoll 609 Fernwood Road Knoxville TN USA 37923 THE LIGHTNING LIBRARY is a perpetual work. We will constantly be adding great reading material for you to enjoy. |  |
Please e-mail the Librarian! bradzockoll@hotmail.com Please help our ministry by telling others about this site! |
Thank you for visiting the Library. Now go outside and get some fresh air. |