As we get around to finalizing our activities, we need a handful of nails to finish up the work. You know about finishing nails: they don't really do heavy work, but they sure are nice when they tack up those little jobs. That's just about what trivia questions are like. They add the little extra touch to your meetings. Trivia questions can fit in almost anywhere: an icebreaker at a banquet, a warmup at a bonfire at camp, a Plan B during a rainy day. Here's a different approach to presenting your trivia questions. Rather than just calling them out and looking for someone to stand up and answer, make it a group project. Divide your teens into groups of three, four, five...even up to twenty, if you have a larger group. Have them circle their chairs and put a scorekeeper in the middle with a pencil. When you ask a question, the teens will be given 15 seconds to come up with an answer and agree upon it. Their scorekeeper will write down the answer. After 15 seconds you will blow the whistle and then you will give the answer. If the team is right, their scorekeeper will raise his hand. Group trivia is a lot safer, because the voting and discussion keeps the individual from being chastised for getting an answer wrong that would jeopardize his team.
This trivia game is played in groups of at least four teens and the winning team wins a case of Pepsi. What do you do? You vote as a team. If you think the answers are true, you ALL stay standing. If you think they are false, stay seated. The joy or humility is shared as a team! The team with the most points wins the Pepsi.
1. A hamlet is a village without a church. TRUE
2. About one-sixth of the earth's surface is permanently covered with ice. FALSE
3. Australia is the only country that is also a continent. TRUE
4. French was the official language of England for over 600 years. TRUE
5. Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers 146 square miles, making it twice the size of the island of Washington DC. FALSE
6. Damascus, Syria, was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence. TRUE
7. All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted brown, unless they belong to a high official. FALSE
8. Alaska, with 8, is the US state with the most national park sites. TRUE
Your teens will be put into groups of three or five (an odd number, so there are no ties) and they will be voting true or flase on trivia by showing thumbs up or down. Give points for correct answers and award the winning team with a large bag of Doritos.
Answers are in caps after the question.
1. Hanukah is the Hebrew word meaning "dedication." TRUE
2. Before World War I the German mark was equal to about one American dollar...but by 1921, things pushed inflation so bad that banks showed $4.6 million marks would be equal to $1. TRUE
3. In Indiana, it is illegal to ride public transportation and play chess. FALSE
4. The 'Happy Birthday' song is actually copyrighted. So legally and technically, if you somehow profit from the song you are entitled to pay royalities to the Time-Warner Corporation. TRUE
5. When the Apollo 12 astronauts landed on the moon, the impact caused the moon's surface to create a new crater thirteen feet across. FALSE
6. The highest g-force ever endured was 82.6g for 0.04 seconds on a water-braked rocket sled. The rider was Eli L. Beeding, Jr., at Holloman Air Force Base on May 16, 1958 and he was hospitalized for three days. TRUE
7. President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president on a Catholic Mass book, not a Bible. TRUE
In this trivia you give each team a chance to submit two answers. Then you award the points to the closest to the correct answer. 100 points to the closest; if a team answers it exactly, it is worth 200 points. In case of a tie, share the points. I've put the correct answer in parentheses:
1. After ____ years of losing, Charlie Brown actually won a baseball game on March 30, 1993. (43)
2. Of the 9 baseball players in the field, how many are allowed to call a time out? Answer: (0) Zero - any player can request a time-out, but it can only be called by an umpire.
3. There are ___ minutes in a pro football game. (60)
4. The most points ever scored in an NBA game was ____ points. (100)
5. For ONE TEAM, there are a total of ___ outs in a baseball game in the major leagues. (27) YUH-HUH or UH-UH
This is simply a trivia game where the teens agree or disagree. Divide teens into teams of three. You call out the fact and the first teen to stand up gets recognized. He calls out YUH-HUH (yes) or UH-UH (no) and you then give the correct answer. If he is right, his team gets ten points. The winning teams all get Cokes.
The answers Y or N for yes and no are after the question.
1. Talk about a pig...er, horse! A 1,200-pound horse eats about seven times it's own weight each year. (Y) 2. While we're talking about eating. let me remind you that the average dog requires more food in proportion to its size than a human baby or a cat. (N) 3. No wonder they hear so well! A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. (Y) 4. No funny faces, now...a cat's jaws can move sideways. (N) 5. A chameleon's tongue is three times the length of its body.(N)
6. Strange fact: A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't. (Y) 7. A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. (Y) 8. A Holstein cow's spots are like a fingerprint or snowflake. No two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots. (Y)
In this icebreaker, you award points to the team that can fill in the blank. Your teens should be divided into groups of three or four and will earn points for correct answers. The answers to these statements are in parentheses.
The new IRS employee manual includes provisions for collecting taxes in the aftermath of a _________. (nuclear war)
According to author Tom Heymann, on an average day in America, 168 businesses _____________. (fail)
A half gallon milk jug holds about $____ in pennies.(50)
It costs 49 francs to get to the top of the _______. (Eiffel Tower)
Fifty percent of all marshmallows consumed in the U.S. have been ______.(toasted)
According to the National Association of Suggestion Systems, a company typically saves $7,663 for each employee _____ that is used. (suggestion)
The Londonbased Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders is still trying to collect on loans made to the state of Mississippi in _____ to finance cotton exports. (1830)
Look on the back of a $5 bill. If you look carefully you can read the names of the states along the top of the __________ . (Lincoln Memorial)
Here are some questions for the next opener you have. Let the teens stand up and try to guess the answers. The answers below are in parentheses.
1. The Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 2001 includes center fielder Kirby Puckett, of Minnesota and right fielder Dave Winfield of San Diego, NY Yankees, as well as a host of other teams...your question is: WHERE IS THE BASEBALL HALL OF FAME? (Cooperstown, New York)
2. The "Tricolour" is another name for the national flag of the Republic of Ireland. In 1848 was the year the flag was first unfurled, and its three equal stripes represent the Irish political landscape. TELL ME WHICH COLORS REPRESENT WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS: ________ standing for Northern Irish Protestants ________ signifying Irish Catholics ________ representing the hope for peace between them
(Orange standing for the Northern Irish Protestants,Green signifying Irish Catholics,White representing the hope for peace between them)
3. TRUE OR FALSE:You cannot sell an ET doll in France. The nation has a law forbidding the sale of dolls that do not have human faces. (TRUE)
4. TRUE OR FALSE: Salt Lake City, Utah, has a law against carrying an unwrapped tuba on the street. (FALSE)
5. The energy in an average one day hurricane could power the United States for three years. (TRUE)
6. Butte, Montana has more days each year where the temperature drops below freezing than any other city in the lower 48 states in the USA. A total of HOW MANY DAYS: 119, 213 OR 223 days? (223 DAYS)
7. Have you ever wondered how cold it is in outer space? Well, if you could measure the temperature in a deserted area of space, with nothing for light years around, you would get a register of which of these: -121 degrees F,
-454 degrees F, or -1100 degrees F? (-454 degrees Fahrenheit)
This works well as a team effort, so divide your teens into groups of four. Call out the choices and see which of your teams can stand up and give the correct answer. Award a pepsi to each of the winning team's members. Answers are in parentheses.
1. Ménièr's disease is a disorder of the hearing and balance senses, where its sufferers hear hissing, roaring or whistling sounds. Which of these people suffered from this disease: Julius Caesar, Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln? (Caesar)
2. In 1900 the average age at death in the US was which of these: 42, 47, or 64? (47).
3. The Volkswagen Beetle how many cars its first year: 330, 3003, or 300,300? (330)
4. 0.3% of all road accidents in Canada involve a: penguin, police car, or moose? (moose)
5. The first escalator in England was installed in Harrods when? 1772, 1878 or 1901? (1878)
This is a simple up-and-down, true or false trivia game to get things heated up. The answers are in parentheses after the question.
1. The altomometer is an instrument which measures the force, velocity, or pressure of the wind. (False)
2. Mosquitoes have teeth. (True)
3., A sneeze flies out of your mouth at over 750 mph (False)
4. Penguins can jump as high as six feet in the air. (True)
5. The last member of the famous Bonaparte family, Jerome Napolean Bonaparte, died in 1945, of injuries sustained from tripping over his dog's leash.(True)
6. Easter is the first Sunday before the first Full Moon after March 21. (False)
7. If the month starts on a Sunday, it will have a Friday the 13th.(True)
8. A wind with a speed of 74 miles or more is officially a hurricane.(True)
9. Although it is still featured on the state flag, no grizzly has been seen in California since 1924.(True)
10. G.I. Joe was introduced at the annual American International Toy Fair in New York on Feb. 9, 1984.(False)
TRIVIA BLAST, PART 1 Answers are in parentheses after the question. 1. "Fortnight" is a British term for a certain amount of days. How many days makes up a "fortnight?" (It's a contraction of "fourteen nights;" two weeks is also acceptable.) 2. Gabriel, Michael, and _______ are the three angels mentioned by name in the Bible. (Lucifer) 3. A _________ is an instrument for indicating the depth of the sea beneath a moving vessel. Is it a. bathometer b. depthometer c. wavometer (bathometer) 4. How many suicides are recorded in the Bible: two, seven or ten? (Seven) 5. A typical lightning bolt is two to four inches wide and ___ miles long. (two) 6. The Bible devotes some 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but a little over _______ verses on money and posessions. a. 2000 b. 3000 c. 4000 (2000) 7. If the sun stopped shining suddenly, it would take eight ______ for people on earth to be aware of the fact - minutes, hours, days? (minutes) 8. There are a. 1002 b. 1189 c. 2311 chapters in the Bible. (1189)
TRIVIA ICEBREAKERS HERE ARE TRIVIA QUESTIONS TO CHALLENGE YOUR TEENS ...answers are at the bottom. 1.Was it Andrew Johnson or Andrew Jackson who was the only President to have also been held as a prisoner of war? This was during the Revolutionary War. 2.The Baby Ruth candy bar was named after baseball player Babe Ruth. TRUE OR FALSE? 3. How many stars are there in the Paramount movie studio logo? Answers 1.Andrew Jackson 2. False. The Baby Ruth candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth. 3. 22
BIBLE STUDY OPENER: REVENGE TRIVIA CHALLENGE This is a trivia game with an interesting twist to get across your teaching about greed. Announce to the teens that tonight you will pit the girls against the guys and see who is better at knowledge about the United States. Pick questions from the Rand-McNally Almanac - questions such as state's capitals or nicknames. Both teams will start the game with 1000 points. Each question right is worth 100 points, but getting the question right means you can either get the 100 points or take away 100 points from the other team. If your team gets two questions right in a row you automatically get to take 10 extra points from the other team. Ask ten questions total, with the last question being worth 250 points. After you announce the winner ask the teens these questions: Did you like the idea of taking away points as well as getting them? Wasn't there a measure of revenge in your motives? Did it get you angry? Did the other team seem greedy? Start the study on selfishness in these passages: Psalm 119:36, Eccles. 1:8, Eccles. 5:10, 2 Tim. 3:2. See what God's directives are in 1 Peter 5:2.
ANSWERS ARE IN PARENTHESES 1. Earth, obviously, has one satellite, the moon. Tell me which planet in the solar system has the most satellites: 18. (Saturn) 2. In 1993 the largest doughnut was made in Utica NY. How many feet in diameter did it measure. I'll give credit to the team that comes the closest. (16 feet) 3. The wettest state in the U.S. has an average rainfall of 56 inches. Which of these states is it? Oregon (Louisiana) 4. Let's say a tortoise and a snail had a one mile race. The tortoise, obviously, would win. But here's the question: In the time it would take the snail to travel one mile, how many miles would the tortoise have covered? Choose one of the following: 4 miles 14 miles (54 miles) 5. In July of 1991 the largest lake trout ever caught was snagged by Rodney Harback of Canada. The weight of the fish confirmed his world record. Which of these weights is correct? 40 lb. 8 oz (66 lb. 8 oz) 166 lb. 8 oz 6. The longest wall in the world, of course, is the Great Wall of China. It measures 2,130 miles long on its main branch. But many people dont know that it was actually longer at one time. In October of 1990, a five year study concluded that at one time the Great Wall was actually 6, 200 miles long. True or false? (True)
7. Which of these literary giants first coined the term "red tape" which applies to government tie-ups. Which writer first used the term? Mark Twain (Charles Dickens) 8. Sideburns were named because of Civil War soldiers growing their hair that way to avoid excessive sun exposure during the long summer days of war. They wore them on their side to avoid sunburns. (False - they were named after Civil War Union General Burnsides.) 9. True or false - researchers say that one in six youngsters sleep walk. (True) 10. In 1975 the Washington Capitols set the record in hockey for the most losses in a row. If you come within three games either way, you will get credit for this: (17) 11. The word begins with an 'H' and it is the name that is given to vehicles supported by a cushion of air while moving over land or water. (Hovercraft) 12. How many strings does a violin have? Take your choice: four, seven, ten (four) 13. Which color of car has the most accidents? Yellow, red, or black? (red)
14. Which state has the fewest counties? (Alaska) 15. How many states are named after a president? (One - Washington) 16. We know that 12 inches equal a foot and 3 feet equal a yard. But how many yards equal the next unit of measure: a rod? Take your pick. 3 yards 4.5 yards (5.5 yards) 17. Here's a sports question, concerning baseball: is it legal to hit a pitch that bounces before the plate? Yes 18. Let's try another baseball question: How many of the bases are in fair territory? (All four.) 19. For the next series of questions, all you need to do is tell me which came first in history. Let's start out with holidays. Which came first, Father's Day or Mother's Day? (Mother's Day did -1908.... Father's Day was in 1910.) 20. Which came first? The Frisbee or miniature golf? (Miniature golf came along in 1929 - then the Frisbee was born in 1955.) 21. Which sport came first: Baseball, basketball or football? (Baseball was born in 1840, then football in 1870. Basketball didn't come along until 1890.) 22. Which came first: aspirin or the postage stamp? (The postage stamp was introduced in 1840. Aspirin wasn't invented until 58 years later.)
23. Was the zipper invented before the toothbrush? (No. The toothbrush was first introduced way back in 1490. The zipper was introduced in 1893.) 24. During World War 2, what was the national speed limit? Choose one: a. (35 mph) b. 45 mph c. 50 mph 25. The Bible has been, as we know, divided into verses. The team that comes the closest in guessing the total number of verses in the Bible will win this question. (31,102) 26. Many of you know that the longest book in the Old Testament is the book of Psalms. But do you know which of these is the longest book in the New Testament? a. 1 John b. (Luke) c. Revelation 27. In which Old Testament book is the story of the tower of Babel? (Genesis) 28. In what year was the first Super Bowl played? 1937 (1967) 1977 29. The largest pig ever recorded was Big Bill, owned by W. Chappell in 1933. He weighed over 2200 pounds. How high was he in feet if you tape-measured him to his shoulder? 3 feet 4 feet (5 feet)
30. In U.S. liquid measure, how many quarts equal a gallon? (4 quarts equal one gallon) 31. Most people don't know that one of the U.S. liquid measures is not only pints, quarts and gallons but also barrels! Take your choice, now and tell me which of these equals one barrel. 6.5 gallons 15.5 gallons (31.5 gallons) 32. Sports question: In baseball, how many outs are there in an inning? (Six) 33. Take your choice: How many times does the book of Revelation quote the Old Testament? a. 88 times b. 169 times c. (245 times) 34. We see in the New Testament that Jesus Christ quoted from many of the Old Testament books. How many O.T. books did He quote from? a. 14 b. (22) c. 44 35. The word "Bible" comes from the word "biblos." Which language is that? (Greek) 36. Our English Bible is a translation of three languages. Can you name the three languages? (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek) 37. If you were to give a specific title to the books of the New Testament, which book would best fit this title: "Christ is better than the prophets and the angels?" (Hebrews) 38. Which of these colors is the official Olympic water polo ball: red, yellow, or orange? (Yellow) 39. In 1969, Lincoln High beat Hodge High in a Louisiana high school boys baseball game in what was the most lopsided shutout in history. Closest team to the score wins. (48-0.)
KEEP CHECKING BACK TO THIS PAGE - I ADD MORE QUESTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK! Write me with your comments bradzockoll@hotmail.com |  |